Protests, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly…

We, the silent majority have been silent too long.  The loud voices of the left have drowned out any rational exchange of ideas so is it time for the silent majority to sound off loud and long??  To that question I say a loud and vociferous “Hell Yes”!!!

If we withhold our voices, we will be inundated by more of the lefts’ sordid and sorrowful agenda.  A return to a tax structure that President Trump revoked, a return of rules by fiat that deny the rights of the individual states to regulate and enforce rules that prevent the denigration of private rights and ownership.

I for one am not amendable to the return of these policies, that as an “Oath Keeper” I feel it my duty to call out these miscreants and their claims of right to rule that renounce the votes of the American public and to hell with the American public.  

It is time for the real Americans to stand up and voice their opposition to these would be tyrants.  That means that we have to physically put ourselves in their face and demand they return to the rule of law as proscribed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Our history recounts the sad example of strife on the senate floor; Preston Brooks took it upon himself to chastise Charles Sumner for his anti-slavery statements; joined by Lawrence Keitt and Henry Edmondson, Sumner was beaten senseless by Brooks.  Is this the kind of action that we must countenance in order for the left to understand that we are not willing to accept the rough shod and devious tactics of the left??  

The caning of Charles Sumner

The old adage, “If the shoe fits” comes to mind.

To stand mute and not defend and resist the left will only allow the left to succeed.  Since when did the “Oath Keeper” become as silent as the sphinx?? Is this spirit that allowed the US to become the nation she is?  To this I say “Hell No”!!! 

It is to us, the American public that this fight to end this agenda that abrogates our very rights has devolved.  We must either take up the banner of faith in our constitutionally guaranteed rights or kneel and accept the stroke that deals death to this, our Republic.

WM 2019