Congressional duties versus Reality and the denial of said duties…

Author’s Note:  The following is fictional parody and as such refers to no real person living…

Questions of Fraud and the Denial of Constitutional Amendments and Their Protections 

Author’s note:  I am not an attorney, simply a lay person who is concerned about the…

Ice flows or Avalanche?? 

The Gorge at its worst… Authors note:  Ice storms in the Columbia River Gorge are a…

Election Season, a Mental Roller Coaster that may Drive Us to Ruination…

We continue to hear that MAGA is trying to destroy democracy.  Not being a true democracy…

One Helluva fight or total capitulation!!!

The choice we are facing is just this brutal!!  We either fight like hell, or we…

Climate Change V: Pumpkins; Data Changes; Emission Controls

Just when you think there can’t possibly be more governmental insanity, the Department of Energy posts…

Climate Change II… A Debatable Issue?

Well, not really… Editors note: This piece is the second in a series of articles on…

Climate Change: Reality or Hoax

Hurricanes ravage the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, tornadoes sweep across the plains leaving death and destruction,…

Close Air Support and Air Interdiction…

A brief history… Close air support (CAS) is the use of aircraft, both fixed wing and…

Protests, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly…

We, the silent majority have been silent too long.  The loud voices of the left have…