The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the St Lawrence river taken from Keewaydin State park in Jefferson county NY.

The first Presidential Debate of the 2020 election is scheduled for tomorrow at 2100. Hopefully you’ve taken today’s Snap Poll. If we can find a suitable stream, and Fox says it’s going to be available on YouTube, we’ll start our coverage at 2050 tomorrow.

As if you needed any more proof that the MSM is nothing but a campaign arm of the democratic party, there’s this little tid-bit.

Just hours after the New York Slimes published their “blockbuster” report about Trump’s taxes, the Biden campaign dropped an ad about it. There’s only one way to explain that. The Slimes tipped off the Biden camp.

It’s not the first time a media outlet has done so. The Atlantic did the same thing with their false story about Trump disparaging the War Dead from WWI. That story dropped and hours later so did an attack ad.

There was an incident with former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale over the weekend. It seems he may have had a mental health issue.

And before I go on, if you or someone you know is having mental health issues, Do Not be afraid to reach out for help. There is no shame in it.

Anyway, the cops were called and the bodycam footage has been released. I haven’t seen the full video, and don’t know all the circumstances, but the response seems a bit disproportionate to me. Parscale is calmly talking to the police who showed up with long guns, and is tackled by an officer. Dude was clearly unarmed and not acting in a threatening manner. Watch for yourselves.

President Trump has been nominated for his third Nobel Peace Prize. This time by a group of Aussie Law professors. The nominated him for his commitment to end US involvement in foreign wars and with a nod to the Abraham accords between Israel and several Arab states.

Kamala Harris made a rare campaign appearance in North Carolina today. While there, she took umbrage with the President and the GOP Senators for filling the vacancy in the Supreme Court.

“It looks like this president and his party are not interested in hearing any of the lessons from Justice Ginsburg,” she said. “Already, the president and his party have chosen to ignore Justice Ginsburg’s final wish: to hold off the nomination to replace her until after the next president is chosen. A wish, by the way, shared by the American people.”

I looked, but I can’t find the “last wish” clause anywhere in the Constitution. Nor can I find any restrictions in when a nominee can be presented.

The fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh continues. The Armenian government is reporting around 100 killed and many more wounded in the assault on the autonomous region. The Azeris haven’t released any casualty counts, but as they’re attacking fortified positions, I’d expect considerably more on their side than the Armenians.

There are reports that Turkey has supplied the Azerbaijanis with Syrian mercenaries. I haven’t confirmed it, but the reports are too numerous, and widely enough sourced that I believe there are Syrians present. I just don’t believe the numbers I’m seeing.

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