The View from Here

By Guest Host Mr. Wizard, as edited by Rogue Unicorn (cuz I had to share the view of MY home in the featured image)

KITDAFBS is busy stalking a deer, so The Wiz has kindly agreed to fill in for him today.

Todays view is of the Western Branch of the Elizabeth River. The Western Branch is a 7.0-mile-long (11.3 km) tidal river which bisects the city of Portsmouth, Virginia. It is a tributary of the Elizabeth River, part of the harbor of Hampton Roads in southeastern Virginia.

Dominion Software finally sent out a spokesperson to declare their system can’t change votes.

Pro tip: Anybody that tells you their software can’t alter the results or can’t be hacked generally isn’t telling the truth.

The First Lady announced a new sculpture would be added to the Rose Garden, sorry but it looks like leftover railroad ties to me.

In case you missed it NY Governor Cuomo is going to receive an Emmy for his daytime Covid 19 briefings.

If there was ever a case of WTF, this has to be it.

My personal favorite of the weekend is when Hillary took the irony meter in to warp speed.

This is what happens when you are too insane for MSNBC. As one of my friends said, ‘seriously’.

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