Monday Quiz-NASCAR Week

Now that the Tampa Massacre is over, we can get down to the next big event. …

Look Ma no hook…….

This was one of those random videos that popped up in my Youtube feed. I had…

Protesters storm US Capital

“A day that began with thousands of President Trump’s supporters in Washington for demonstrations turned violent…

ATF trying to make AR type pistol stabilizers an NFA item.

I received this email this morning. ATF is publishing the objective factors it considers when evaluating firearms…

The View from Here

By Guest Host Mr. Wizard, as edited by Rogue Unicorn (cuz I had to share the…

U.S. Navy Plane E2 Hawkeye Crashes in Bloxom, VA.

By Carol Vaughn and Connie Morrison — “A Navy aircraft crashed Monday afternoon in a soybean…

Hurricane Prep with Mr Wizard

I’m not going to bore you with the advice you get from TV or the internet.…

Covid 19 and the military: update

U.S. Locks Down Bases in Okinawa After Coronavirus Outbreak A total of 61 cases are reported…

The rebirth of February and Jim Brooks

A native of Roanoke, Virginia, James L. Brooks entered the Army Air Corps in 1942. Jim…

Mr Wizard’s Birthday

Today should be a national holiday in honor of the birthday of my namesake Mr. Wizard.…