The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Neversink Reservoir. The Reservoir is an impoundment of the Neversink river, the longest tributary of the Delaware river and is located in Sullivan county NY.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that by the end of September there had really been as many as 53 million Americans contract the deadly bug — just under eight times the confirmed cases reported at the time. Of those, the CDC believes about 45 million were sick at some point and about 2.4 million were hospitalized.

The record surge in coronavirus cases across the US is likely far worse, with an estimated eight infections unreported for every one infection counted, according to a government report — which would put the true tally closer to 100 million.

No shit. And let’s be clear about something else, the Chinese coronavirus has been here far longer than is officially recognized.

The first batch of Pfizer’s Chinese lung AIDS vaccine is on its way to the US from the production facility in Belgium. The FAA approved a special limit for United to carry 15,000 pounds of dry ice per flight. That amount is five times over the normally permitted limit. The dry ice is needed to keep the vaccines cold, as they require extreme cold temps for transport and storage.

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