There is a Difference

Once again I find myself in Hurry an Wait mode

what’s worse then hurry & wait?


no wait, it’s

Democrats then shipping

dealing with Incompetence is right up there as well


Democrats and Incompetence is like repeating myself which I don’t like doing but there it is

I ordered some casings over the phone,

to which I clearly said “now read that back to me just so there’s no misunderstanding”

ok then make the order

I get a box in the mail Receptacle which was rather nice

most of the time I have to pick boxes up off the ground

like it was a some sort of drive by mail delivery

tell me, does this look like it conveys

such thinkin and thoughts of

the Blessing of Peace

The Beauty of Hope

The Spirit of Love

The Comfort of Faith

as in

May these be your Gifts this Christmas season

not just no, but OHH HELL NO

that’s P/C crap

well I got a box of P/C crap

I am not happy

Gunny Ermey level not happy

This is what I ordered

So, instead of cutting, grinding, mixing, chilling out over night, having the smokers at the ready for Sunday

you know the Day of rest

handling meat, Safety first Always in all you do

Presentation is not to be ignored

I have 2 days to get my words just right for 0900 sharp

So far I have this


this is my Kimber 1911

there are many like it

but this is mine

I’ve gotten really tired of paper plates

If any of you have words that may add to thier discomfort before they hang up on me I’ll add them

a visual of your comments