Trinkets & beads

Efforts to bribe Native Americans to vote in states crucial for the Democrats were partially funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and government agencies

Native Americans in Arizona, Nevada and a slew of other states were given gift cards, televisions, electronics, and even resort stays in exchange for voting.

According to their website, the NCAI is partnered with the controversial Open Society Foundation, which was founded by Soros. The group also lists the Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of the Interior, Department of Justice, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Small Business Administration as government partners

Any monetary exchange for votes, whether partisan or not, is illegal.

In Wisconsin, the Native Vote effort openly posted support for Joe Biden on their social media accounts. Among other “prizes” and giveaways, Native Vote gave away swag bags and held $50 Gift Card Raffles in exchange for proof that people voted.

Native Organizers Alliance, an organization involved in these efforts, works directly with Act Blue. When you click to donate on their website, you are redirected to an ActBlue fundraising page. They are also fiscally sponsored by Alliance for a Just Society.

These words may sound familiar


You made light for us

you made Earth, The daily sun, the nightly sun, the stars

and all the ones living,

you made it

the wind and the thunderers

you know it what will be beautiful in what we do

Give me how to think good about myself

and give me how to live my life well

until I die

forgive / bless me for how I have not been like you
Forgive those who trespass against you
all the ones living
how you respect such people in the name of
your only Son


comes to mind