Protesters storm US Capital

“A day that began with thousands of President Trump’s supporters in Washington for demonstrations turned violent as many in attendance saw Wednesday as a last stand for Trump because Congress was set to confirm that President-elect Joe Biden won the election.

Trump — who lost the popular and electoral college vote — continues to dispute the election results, without evidence, and has encouraged his supporters to attend the rallies. He took the stage about noon to roaring crowds, falsely claiming he had won the election.

Later at the U.S. Capitol, throngs of people pushed past police who were trying to block them from entering the building as lawmakers inside debated counting electoral college votes confirming Biden’s victory. A mob was able to breach security and successfully enter the building, where one person was shot.”

There are a few signs of a false flag operation, not enough to be certain at this point.

The Clownshoe Governor weighs in.

Doesn’t really look like Trump supporters do they?

The situation is fluid at the moment, reports are that one woman was shot inside the Capitol and has now being reported as died.

More on that news later as the reports are confirmed.