Coffee visuals

ladies first

Women.. there’s no explainin them

Always did like Betty White

my favorite quote from Betty

” If I had a dick, this is where I’d tell you suck it!’

she was talking to a DNR type while feeding gators

such a tease

Brass tacks Gentlemen

This is the U.S.A.

There is no one coming to our rescue

if things go sideways

No one will be resupplying you

No one will airdrop food , ammo or medicine

there is no place to run to for Freedom

this is it

Think back to the day the swamp hid the efficacy of


it Confirmed they would kill us to beat President Trump

Never forget the Evil we are facing

with a coffee looking at the calmness outside my backdoor

antifa/blm come to mind

Once all the police departments have been eliminated

There will be no one protecting you

Sparrow Six five

here’s a positive