Covid Calvinball

It seems our betters in government are making up new rules. Again. What’s worse, there isn’t any scientific basis to do so. That puts me in mind of Calvinball.

The only permanent rule of Calvinball is you can’t play the same way twice.

I suppose I need to do an explainer of what exactly Calvinball is. Ther name stems from the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes created by Bill Watterson. The strip was centered on the adventures of six year old Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes. Calvinball has no rules; the players make up their own rules as they go along, so that no Calvinball game is like another. Rules cannot be used twice (except for the rule that rules cannot be used twice), and any plays made in one game may not be made again in any future games. 

The CDC just issued new masking guidance. The new guidance says vaccinated people should still wear masks. In that guidance they cited a study that stated vaccinated individuals had a high viral load in their sinuses as support for the new guidance. Unfortunately for the CDC, the article they used has a couple of problems.

First, it was based on an Indian study of those dosed with the Astra-Zenica vax. And that vaccine is not approved here in the US. Second, and frankly more worrisome, that article had been initially rejected by the journals it had been submitted to. I say initially because since the citation by the CDC the status of the article has changed from rejected to under review.

Honestly, at this point if the CDC said that the sky was blue or the grass was green I’d go out to check. The US governmental health agencies have all but destroyed their credibility in the last 15 or so months.

I see that Eva Peron, err, Nancy Pelosi has told the Capitol Police to arrest anyone violating her mask mandates. It seems the arrest order does not apply to Members of the House, but if you are a visitor or staffer not wearing a mask, be prepared to be hauled off in cuffs.

OK Nan. It will be nice to see you hand over the gavel in 2022.

What he said.

The entire response to this outbreak has played out as one giant game of Calvinball, rules made up on the spot, goalposts moved whenever it’s expedient.