Menengaw, bringer of dreams

that’s a Pantone color swatch book, all the colors you see are really just four colors

Red Blue Yellow Black

mixed in different parts

( parts ) a unit of measure

to attain the color one desires

Ever watch a child spot it’s first butterfly?

They bubble up with excitement as you smile for your part in thier excitement

there really isn’t much difference between a month & a butterfly , the fact that in English at least, society has different words and, indeed, very different attitudes to them is largely a cultural concept rather than a scientific one.

So there I was smiling an talking to menengaw

Aww come on little friend

I just cleaned that spot off and not for you

let me guess, you are smiling right now like a child seeing it’s first butterfly

You either smiling with me or at me

let’s put that to the test

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be truth

so which it people 🙂

While I having a talk with the menengaw

it’s then I realized it brought the answer I was looking for while out fishing

I’ll have to forgo the pattern on the wallet when I use the

Menengaw knew

Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

the Marine Corps ways of doing things

He’s known by many names

One day the Great Spirit

took all the beautiful colors from mother nature and put into a bag

shook it up really good when He had opened it in front of the children, colored butterflies flew out singing songs.

The children were in awe of the butterflies but the birds were envious of their singing voices so the Great Spirit took away their ability to sing.

I don’t know how or when Menengaw got inside here

it crawled up on my finger took to the door

flew off outside

smiling at the encounter still