Vaccine Hesitancy from Pete Parada’s Perspective

The Offspring drum kit has a revolving stool and it looks as though it’s been set aspin, again. Pete Parada has been beating drums for the rock band since 2007; following Atom Willard’s four year stint that followed Ron Welty’s 16 year occupation after Ron replaced original drummer for The Offspring, James Lilja. Now, it looks as though a new rhythm maker will be motoring the band through their hits as The Offspring sets off on a ten month world tour.

Due to pre-existing health experiences, Parada has decided to not get the COVID-19 jab(s). This choice has rendered him somewhat unemployed as the music industry has decided unvaccinated people present a health risk for the vaccinated people around them. He’s still part of the band, he just will not be on stage as the drummer for The Offspring when they get things kicked off in Los Angeles this weekend; or during any leg of the tour, as things stand today.

Parada explains why he will not be performing with the band in a succinct, clear thread of 17 twitter posts free of negativity, blame, victim whinging and other unnecessary accompaniment. His words offer sound sense offered from a space of personal experience and present a serious caution. The cynic in me does wonder if there is not a wee bit of Social Justice Warrioring going on . . . just a wee bit. As specters of BIPOC vaccine hesitant citizens continue to obnoxiously evidence themselves amongst the contrived miasma of under-enlightened, selfish, pigheaded Deplorables being projected as the nations only vaccine resisters, Parada’s support for people who have chosen to not be injected with the proffered COVID-19 vaccine(s) can wax a bit “woke.”

In Pete Parada’s words as tweeted, presented with my formatting, including added emphasis and grandiose titling:

“Why the COVID-19 shot is not for everyone, and ought not be expected to be, with a polite nod toward the grand idea of minding one’s own business while still offering support when able.”

I’ve got some unfortunate and difficult news to share. I know many of my close friends and family would’ve preferred to hear this privately first – and I apologize for the public nature of my disclosure, but I don’t know how to have this conversation multiple times.

Given my personal medical history and the side-effect profile of these jabs, my doctor has advised me not to get a shot at this time.

I caught the virus over a year ago, it was mild for me – so I am confident I’d be able to handle it again, but I’m not so certain I’d survive another post-vaccination round of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which dates back to my childhood and has evolved to be progressively worse over my lifetime. Unfortunately for me, (and my family – who is hoping to keep me around a bit longer) the risks far outweigh the benefits.

Since I am unable to comply with what is increasingly becoming an industry mandate – it has recently been decided that I am unsafe to be around, in the studio, and on tour. I mention this because you won’t be seeing me at these upcoming shows. I also want to share my story so that anyone else experiencing the agony and isolation of getting left behind right now – knows they’re not entirely alone.

I have no negative feelings towards my band. They’re doing what they believe is best for them, while I am doing the same. Wishing the entire Offspring family all the best as they get back at it!
I’m heartbroken not to be seeing my road community, and I will miss connecting with the fans more than I can express in words.

While my reason for not getting this jab is medical, I want to make sure I’m not carving out a space that is only big enough for me. I need to state, unequivocally, that I support informed consent – which necessitates choice unburdened by coercion. I do not find it ethical or wise to allow those with the most power (government, corporations, organizations, employers) to dictate medical procedures to those with the least power.

There are countless folks (like me) for whom these shots carry a greater risk than the virus. Most of us don’t publicly share a private decision we made in careful consideration with our doctors. We know it’s not an easy conversation to unfold.

If it looks like half the population is having a shockingly different reaction to these jabs than was expected – it’s probably because their life experiences have actually been shockingly different, and their reasons range from a conscientious risk/benefit analysis, to the financial inability to take time off work/lack of health care in the event of potential side-effects, to an understandable distrust in a system that has never prioritized the health or well-being of their communities.

I hope we can learn to make room for all the perspectives and fears that are happening currently. Let’s avoid the unfortunate tendency to dominate, dehumanize and shout down at each other. The hesitant population is not a monolithic group. All voices deserve to be heard.

In the meantime, I’m in the midst of launching a project and releasing some music with my daughter, so please stay tuned for all of that. I deeply appreciate your understanding and support as my family and I find a new way forward.

Sending love to everyone who has been impacted by this pandemic, in all the ways lives have been lost and altered.

Pete Parada @PeteParada
2-Aug 12:03 PM · , 2021·Twitter Web App

Good luck on the new family venture, Pete, and thanks for the heaping helping of good, old-fashioned common sense.