Burning Bridges isn’t just a song

Been a time or two I’d buy a coffee for the bell ringers standing out in the wind and cold, even given them beef jerky that I made. The kid learned a lesson in humility the SA while I was called mean… which means nothing to me. But sometimes… you have to walk away and don’t look back.

a pillar of salt comes to mind

So let me be straight up to ALL of the charities out there: You need to keep your beak out from having ANY VIEWS on any political topics. This means to stay away from endorsing candidates and political parties or spouting off on things like critical race theory. When you open your piehole, you lose half of your support.

The Salvation Army wants its white donors to give it more than just money this Christmas season. Its leadership is also demanding they apologize for being racist.

In doing this, they have shown that they are on board with the racist left who pushes racist teachings under a fraudulent “anti-racist” theme.

For whatever reason, the Salvation Army has released a guidebook called “Let’s Talk About Racism” and it has their logo all over it with the cover saying “A resource developed to guide The Salvation Army family in gracious discussions about overcoming the damage racism has inflicted upon our world.”

You would think that they would be publishing guidebooks called “Let’s Talk About Jesus.” Isn’t THAT what they’re supposed to be about???

Their international mission says that their message is based on the Bible and its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name without discrimination.

EPIC FAIL, Salvation Army.

And just because you got caught and have “withdrawn the guide for appropriate review”… well that means nothing to me. 

Sometimes the cover-up is just as bad, if not worse, then the original crime. I don’t like liars and apologists who only do the right thing after getting caught when their reputation is at stake because they got bad PR.

Discrimination against white people isn’t any more acceptable than discrimination against black people, red people, yellow people, brown people ( did I miss any?) didn’t mean to.

the Salvation Army needs to get some new board members even then I won’t give a damn dime

This guidebook came out of the Salvation Amy’s “International Social Justice Commission” which was established to educate white people about who they are. 

Lets Talk About Racism” says that Christianity is institutionally racist and that Christians must repent and offer an apology to blacks for being antagonistic to them and their culture, values and interests.

So count me out on giving any more money to the Salvation Army ever again. 

Armydog is one of the best people I’ve known on my path in life, we met in the lobby at the Oscar G. VA

the bastard sat next to me, ” you gonna give up?”

look at me, do I look like I’m giving up? ”

no but you have to be the ugliest Marine I ever seen”

well thank you for that

He just turned 90 still his council I ask, which comes with a price

as in Army jabs to the Marine Corps to which I must defend

his skin covering happens to be a different shade then mine


there’s 2 kinds of people in this world

you are either a good person or you are not

Ecclesiastes 10:2

comes to mind and some music

extra stuff:

did you ever notice who brought back holding the dirty magazines?

the preacher man