I have a better idea, but then…

Your choices are


rot from disease

be eaten

When Quinn was in the back of the town meeting listening to the Know-it-alls and sheriff Brody, his face expression was a smile, camouflaging utter contempt for such buffoonery.

Ever see a bear-dog?

well now you have

The Moose on Isle Royal number around 1400. The population is too great for the land to support that number. So the wolf has been brought in from surrounding states and U.P. here to reduce the number. The winter tick =

disease no food= starvation

the wolf = eaten alive

Wolves don’t eat as this

They’ll take a chunk, like from the hind quarter, wound it just enough so the prey cannot run away, go about 10/15 yards, eat its chunk, go back for more until it’s had its fill. A pack will do the same thing. All the while, the cries of death hang heavy in air, echo through the woods. How do I know this, there are many wolves U.P here, to many.

How about we try a more humane way, as in cull the herd of Moose on the island, so the land and wolf are in proper balance.

Many hungry people could put that meat to good use

that isn’t a choice offered

(Think of Quinn’s smile of utter contempt)

I did once go to a conservation meeting, place was packed, them do-gooders came up from lansing to explain stuff, the issue was about baiting.

Already with Attitude from a previous encounter with the dnr, which is far far different than a Game Warden, after about 20 people before me, I had my say, turned around and walked out. Thinking I left those buffoons feeling like 2 cents waiting on change. Never had a standing O before, I did while I walked out, feeling damn good about myself.