A clear & present danger

I was telling the ratdog, yaknow dog, I’m a hero of sorts, yeah, there was this cow farting to much, destroying the enviro, so I turned it into jerky.

While you drool, wanting some, chew on this:

The reporter see this as entitlement. I see this as a military threat.

That’s not coming from a beggar who thinks he should get a handout. That’s coming from a warrior who is planning on slitting your throat.

You had better start wrapping your head around the idea that fighting men are crossing our border. They didn’t come here for a handout. They are here to rape and kill and soon enough you are going to find out who they are.

This warrior is right in telling the reporter that he is not smart enough to understand who he is. The reporter is not smart enough. I pray to God that you are smart enough to know who he is. I did make mention of what she said, she wasn’t wrong.

Some stuff is worth more knowing than other stuff

That doesn’t mean the other stuff is worth knowing, such as

Male bees die after mating, that is basically their life

I summarize for those in the back eating breakfast

Honey. Nut. Cheerio