Boy, I say boy!

Pay attention when I’m talking to you,

Found something which caused many ” reminders”

When your parents or Grandparents tried to tell you of their history, and you didn’t care because it didn’t interest you at the time, and now you wish you had written down what they had said. Was a bit different for me, she was doing her own bills the month before she went home. Her mind was sharp, doing bills, remember, when done always have a glass of wine because you earned it, and it’ll calm you down. Many of the stories she talked about I have on video, all sorts of stories on all topics. Recalling the time lil sis came home from school, having the curls cut in back before talking school pictures, still angered her, a little Indian girl with straight hair wanted curls only to have them cut. Ohh was she hot, still. All kinds of stories. Opened a sewing basket, ” could hear her saying still from when I was a kid, ” when there is nothing, you find ways to make due with what you do have. As a child herself, she didn’t have dolls that you bought at a store, there were no stores, spoke of a family who sold sauerkraut for 10 cents a soup ladel full, well if you didn’t have the 10 cents you didn’t sauerkraut.

A bit of material and a clothespin she talked of making dolls with gramma, that box was full of her dollies

That dollie is a good representation of hard times, I speak of 2-fers, her lil dollie could still be used for drying clothes. Not so different from your firearm, Self-defense and putting food upon the table. The depression,2 World Wars, Korea, Nam Iraq, Afghanistan, even Ukraine, her taxes funded them all. What she get in return? sadness.

There’s a saying Marines know well

” We do so much with so little, pretty soon we’ll do everything with nothing”

Something else Marines know full well

Before the Marines, there was ma