Some odds ands ends

And to think I was told ” you’re crazy” to which I responded, yeah well it was you who decided to get the bike. The conversation was about me shooting the teevee, outside after I dragged it out. Trust in media? that went away decades ago.

If you don’t wanna lose IQ points, don’t watch this

you been warned

I cannot tell you the circumstance leading up this, Linda did come to mind

Right now as I type this, a Brother Marine yesterday had a big chunk of his lung removed, he’s resting is all I know today, this I know, FJB and ALL ILLEGALS and those who opened the border

Told his wifey, put him on the phone, for once shut and listen, I said I’d take fishing on the lake, I cannot do that with you in a bed, rest up and heal, Semper-fi Brother