A Proverb of sorts

Doesn’t matter if you are fastest Gizzelle or the slowest Lion, when the sun comes up, you best start running. Keep that mind for a moment while you chew on this

Always walk a mile to avoid a fight, but if one starts, don’t back down an inch.

I’ll give an example of which I speak. What you need to know about geese, greese don’t care about you. Some years ago, some STUPID parents had given their 2 children goslings as Easter gifts. Those babies grew up and started attacking the kids and everyone else, those STUPID parents knew my mother, and of course she agreed the geese should be brought to my place, I didn’t know about this little meeting , those STUPID parents just showed up saying your mother said we could leave these here, dropped them off and left. After about 2 weeks, I had enough of them getting after my Cody, 90 some pounds of pure Shepard, they had him by the tail and his snout, bloody his was. Ever get those turkey legs at festivals, I had 2 legs and Cody had the other 2 after I cleaned the bones, turkey bones splinter, not good for dogs.

Geese doing what they do, not caring about you or anything else

it’s their nature

” it’s a term of sorts”

I could sing like this if my bathroom had the proper acoustics

Kinda sorta and somewhat a snap poll for my Brother Vets, Should I leave up or get Old Glory back where she belongs

Speaking of my Brother Vets ( tee hee hee hee)

Saving lives, that was what it was all about when you signed that blank check