From the perch

First things first, I probably should apologize, I forget that saying Fuck!, offends some people, well ok I will, sorry fuckers. I’ve mentioned before that I shot the teevee and for good reason.

Bad trees produce bad fruit ain’t that right mika mika mika

Don’t piss on my leg mika,then tell me it’s raining

I know what a Reichstag fire looks like

Notice the only secured document in d.c. is the Epstein client list

Some real talk for real people

The geese are returning, that’s welcome sight and sound, started snowing in early October, snow on the ground still. “The long days” will be here soon enough, sips coffee…. now that all the statues have been removed, gotta wonder if anyone’s Life is better for it.

Over medicated, under educated, it’s how they like the people.

Smell that?

that’s no Mcribb, hell, is that stuff even real meat, hell I don’t know, I like my body to much to put such choke – n- puke stuff into it.

Remembering that inflation is transitory, at today’s prices, this what ya do, get together with like minded people, chip in a few bucks, think of as Man’s version of Stone soup.