I heard him say it

There was another part of that conversation concerning the 2nd. Don’t know if you invest or not, not my business, this a good thing for Pro-firearm people.

PublicSquare Announces Partnership with Credova, the Leading Buy Now Pay Later Solution for the Parallel Economy

If you never heard of Publicsquare, they are Patriots going head to head with amazon. In their sporting section, you may find some useful items.

Sports & Outdoors (publicsquare.com)

Don’t really like promoting, the times we find ourselves living in, any good, in any area of American life needs to be known about.

As in this example

Makes one wonder WHY they want the guns so bad, are they planning on doing something WE the People won’t like, is that it.

When I seen Santana wearing a Che Tee-shirt, all his music was cleaned out.

” The American Christian will die on his feet, before he’ll live on his knees”

George Washington