I should contribute something uselful

You know, just incase you find yourself on road.

She was useful

Why isn’t this MF not in Gitmo waiting for hangman

he was very useful to fang fang bang bang

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.)

“Let me bring everybody back to reality and give you a little history lesson. The reason you oppose the bill is not because you have any policy issues with it… You oppose it because Donald Trump opposes it,” said Swalwell at a House Judiciary Committee markup meeting.

He continued, “Donald Trump opposes it because Donald Trump wants to be president because Donald Trump has 91 felony counts that he’s facing and the only way that those go away and he is not held accountable is if he’s president.”

Sips coffee to calm down

file this under FAFO

they were givin court dates then scattered to the four winds

couple years ago, a construction guy I know came up from below the bridge, something he said still stuck in my craw, ” yoopers are some of the nicest assholes” I thanked him for having a keen situation awareness.

A little story for ya.

I did a video to this song, catchy lil tune, won’t upload so you get HUGO