Off to the rodeo

I was sipping a coffee while telling the ratdog as was switching out a blade

File under Man Rules

dog, there’s some things that shouldn’t be done, an example of what I speak, unless one is with a broken body like Govenor Abbot, you never shake hands with another Man sitting down.

Hairy eyeball to Hairy eyeball

Stick with me here, you’ll understand.

Couple years ago I built a smoker, works just as it was intended to think of all the time, effort and scrounging the woodworker’s junk woodpile I did to build it.

Just because you can do something, doesn’t always mean you should

Colossal Biosciences, a biotechnology company based in Dallas, announced Wednesday that it has produced a line of Asian elephant stem cells that can be coaxed to transform into other types of cells needed to reconstruct the extinct giant — or at a least a mammoth-like elephant designed to thrive in the cold.

“It’s probably the most significant thing so far in the project,” said George Church, a Harvard geneticist and Colossal co-founder. “There are many steps in the future.”

For proponents, bringing back vanished animals is a chance to correct humanity’s role in the ongoing extinction crisis.

Weren’t we told, cow farts would kill us all.

Walking through my woods, my first thought would be those Sonsofbitches, 2nd, those ignoramuses, MANMOUTHS migrate you fools.

It’ll be good death for one of us beastie

(don’t ask so I don’t have to tell lies)

Taking that beastie wouldn’t be easy while thinking, them sonsofbitches, gonna make me build a bigger smoker. Having to contend with the wolves around here, you know those jackasses once they figure out they’ll need a natural enemy for the WOLLY

they’ll reintroduce the cave lion for population control like they did with the wolf, bring the wolf to control the deer= less payout by the insurance companies.

We’ll deal with them to

Get some Get some

Ohh what’s bunch up to

Humans could become extinct unless we change sex as we know it

The humble Y chromosome may seem simple, but it’s responsible for determining the male sex.

And the bad news… It’s degenerating in humans and may disappear in a few million years, which could lead to our extinction.

That is, some experts warn, unless we evolve a new sex gene. Fast.

Were you put on this earth to like everyone, I know for fact I wasn’t put here to like everyone because I fact checked it,

I highly dislike EXPERTS

Being absurd to point out their absurdity is what, it’s cheap entertainment, mocking them, evil hates to be mocked, well that’s why I do it 🙂 at every opportunity.