Random News and Notes

The Juice is no longer loose. Orenthal James Simpson has died. He was 76. RIP I guess. . .

The MSM and the Left (but I repeat myself) are attempting to create another George Floyd. Instead of a drug-addicted, twice convicted burglar, the second being a violent home invasion, they’re trying to turn someone who took 11 shots at the cops into a hero. Dexter Reed was shot and killed by Chicago police during what started as a routine traffic stop. Bodycam footage of the stop shows Reed firing at the police after being asked to exit his vehicle. He was out on pre-trial release for several felonies related to another shooting.

I don’t know how many of you are truly familiar with the history of the Red Guard in Maoist China. Most of you probably know the basics, that they were used to enforce Mao’s edicts and root out “anti-revolutionaries” in Chinese society. Well, there is a version of the Red Guard popping up across the country, mostly on college campuses.

Cut to UC Berkeley, where the law school dean, Erwin Chemerinsky and his wife Professor Catherine Fisk, host recognition dinners for 3rd year law students. It should be noted they host these dinners at their private residence. The latest dinner was disrupted by Malak Afaneh who stood up and wanted to speak about Ramadan and the people she said were dying in Gaza. Of course Chemerinsky and his wife took exception to the disruption and asked Afaneh to leave. Afaneh made some ridiculous comments about 1st amendment claims and other, similar guff before she was escorted off the grounds.

Much like in Mao’s China, they are starting to eat their own.

A couple of days ago, I mentioned the ballot access issue team Stability Shoes may have in Ohio. Welp, it turns out they’re going to have a similar issue in Alabama. Both states require the SOS to certify the candidates before a specific date. The Dem national convention isn’t until after that date.

The chances of Biden not being on the ballot in those two states are somewhere between slim and none, but it’s still amusing. . .

I hadda see it so now you do too. . .