
In my morning prayers I asked the Lord to help me write about some of the frustrations that we all feel.  To state that I am angry plus frustrated would be redundant.

To begin with, I am frustrated with the US Supreme Court.  It is the duty of this court to ajudicate the law of the land.  Then why do we see so much election interference (AKA Voter Suppression) going un-challenged??  There are current issues with police in Pennsylvania telling voters that the polls are being closed early to allow vote counters to be able to catch up with the volume of votes.  In one instance, they were closing polls as early as 1:15 in the afternoon!!!   This is totally unacceptable!!

My question is, where is the US Supreme Court when these kinds of issues are happening??  Is John Roberts asleep at the wheel??  If so, John, it is time for you to get your lazy ass in gear and address these voter suppresion issues!!!  And while we are on the subjuect of issues that you and the court should be addressing, let’s include illegal immigrant’s registering to vote, in what is supposed to be limited to legal residents of the country!!!

So John, I have this to ask you.  Do you need an old time “Military  Airlift” (AKA a boot in the ass) to motivate you to do your damn job???  If so, I am sure I can find a voluteer to help you out.

Another issue that gives many heartburn is the foot-dragging by local officials whose job it is to count the vote.  For instance, we are being told that it is often the State and Local issues that require extra time to count the vote thereby making the Federal issues wait on the count of state and local issues.   

Like many, I do not live in Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia, so I do not feel that their problems should be shoved off on me and my fellow citizens who live in other jurisdictions.  So I ask, is it time to separate the election of Federal officials from the State and Local issues so that we are not forced to await the resolution of their problems before we know the results of Federal elections???

The final part of my rant is the actions of congressional officials who stand in the way of issues the electorate want to have happen.  Too many times it has been Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi or any other stiff-necked committee chairman that has decided that this or that piece of legislation does not meet with their approval and it never comes to the floor for a vote.

I know we are a democratically elected Republic, but has the time come to initiate National Referendums so these often occurring temper tantrums can no longer stall issues that the public wants to see enacted???  It may just be me speaking, but I believe it may be an issue whose time has come.  

Term Limits can have the same effect, but we have seen little to no real movement to that issue either.  Just how long must we be chained to the ineffectual and  divisive actions of a few individuals who feel that they are entitled to rule over us??  

If the duly elected do not want to see some of these things come to fruition, they might want to get their lazy asses in gear and begin to DO THE JOB they were elected to do!!!  They are not supposed to be our rulers, but our employees who are supposed to answer to “WE THE  PEOPLE”!!!

I’m sure there are other frustrations the American People have, but this is just a few to get us to thinking.

Walt 2024