Judgement v/s Opinion

On August 12, 2024, current governor of Minnesota, Timothy James Walz signed a bill that called for the placement of sanitary napkins in boys public school bathrooms for grades 4 through 12.  Although I do not live in Minnesota, it goes against my upbringing for government officials to mandate what I believe should the proper domain of parents.  But to be fair, I ask this simple question, was this done by the governor as a result of his own moral judgement, or due to political pressure.  By either standard, I feel it reeks of moral decay and brings to mind whether this was a personal opinion or a forced moral judgement by members of the state government.

To more clearly understand the question of Judgement or Opinion, I referred to a book titled “Useful Quotations, a cyclopedia of Quotations” copyright 1933 by Orsamus Turner Harris.

I first looked at two quotes about Judgement:

It is a maxim received in life that, in general, we can determine more wisely for others than for ourselves. – The reason of it is so clear in argument that it hardly wants the confirmation of experience. 

“Junius” The pseudonym of an unknown political writer in England (1769 -1772)

Human nature is so constituted, that all see and judge better in the affairs of other men than in our own,

“Terence” Roman poet (190 – 150 B. C.) 

I followed this with a look at two quotes about Opinion:

Our opinions on all subjects are more largely formed by our sympathies than by skillfully sifted evidence. 

“Tyron Edwards” American theologian and editor (1809 – 1892).

Public opinion cannot do for virtue what it does for vice.  It is the essence of virtue to look above opinion.  Vice is consistent with, and very often strengthened by, entire subserviency to it. 

“Benjamin Franklin” American statesman, inventor and editor (1706 – 1790)

Human nature being what it is, our opinion often render judgement, therefore, is judgement a function of opinion, or is opinion the driver of judgement?

A thorny question fraught with danger as we are admonished to not judge, for that is the domain of the Lord.

Walt 2024