SCOTUS granted a writ of certiorari in Fischer v. United States on Friday. That case concerns the J6 charge of corruptly obstructing a congressional proceeding or investigation. That law, 18 USC 1512 (c)(2), is part of the Sarbanes Oxley accounting and corporate governance laws that were passed in response to the Enron/Arthur Anderson investigation. J6 prosecutors have been using that law as part of a charge stacking scheme. It seems however, that they may have overreached. SCOTUS has historically been leery of ambiguously worded laws such as this one. Oral arguments are scheduled for the spring session.
I feel I need to point out the fact that this case could have a huge bearing on Trumps legal issues in DC. The SCO has built the majority of his case on this law.
By now I’m sure most of you have heard of the incident with POTATUS motorcade in Delaware yesterday. If you haven’t, well, some dope drove into a Secret Service vehicle blocking an intersection. The Protective detail agents responded by pointing their guns as said dope and arresting him. It seems he was drunk at the time. That, however, is not the focus of this section. The Dotard in Chief was asked a question about losing to Trump in the polls mere moments before the crash.
There are a couple of things that stand out to me about this incident. First, the protective detail took their sweet assed time getting Biden into the Beast and out of the area. That’s Not Good. I am not and never have been a Secret Service agent, but I do have a LOT of protective detail experience, and in a fluid situation like that, you get your protectee off the X as fast as you can and let the rest of the chips fall where they may.
Second, according to RCP, there is only one poll, an NPR/Marist poll, that doesn’t have Trump, or any other R, beating Biden. The NPR/Marist poll has Biden up by one point, well within the margin of error.
The inbred goat f*ckers in Yemen have been acting up of late. The Houthis, an Iran backed and supported rebel group, have been attacking international shipping in the southern Red Sea and Bab el Mandeb strait. The attacks have, so far anyway, consisted of attempted boardings, ballistic missiles and drones. They managed to sink one vessel and have damaged several more. Several shipping lines, including the world’s largest, MSC, have rerouted their ships.

About 10 percent of the world’s sea traffic goes through the Red Sea. Rerouting ships around the Cape of Good Hope lengthens the trip by about twelve days, adding considerable cost to freight and disrupting supply chains. Maritime insurance rates started to increase after the first few attacks. They are now triple the rate from the beginning of October.
SecDef Lloyd is expected to announce a coalition naval task force to protect the shipping lanes in the Red Sea and Bab el Mandeb. From my perspective, unless and until the Houthis get to the Find Out part of the equation, nothing is going to change.

Despite the headlines you may have read, the Pope did not give the OK to blessing same-sex marriages. Look, I’m nominally a Catholic, and I dislike what Bergoglio is doing to the Church as much as anyone else, but even for him it would be a step too far.
The reality is a bit more prosaic. The ok was given to spontaneous blessings. They are limited to “the invocation of a blessing that descends from God upon those who recognizing themselves to be destitute and in need of his help do not claim a legitimation of their own status, but who beg that all that is true, good, and humanly valid in their lives and their relationships be enriched, healed, and elevated by the presence of the Holy Spirit. of those in same-sex relationships.” The Dicastery, a Vatican organization dealing with matters of faith, issued a supplemental clarifying the issue.
It seems to me, a layman, that the Dicastery is attempting to clean up yet another mess created by Bergoglio.
A 67 year old woman in Silver Cliff CO was attacked by a mule deer (read more about muleys in Walt’s Icons of the West article here.)this past weekend. The small buck, reported to be a spike buck, punctured the woman’s lung and caused severe bruising on her legs. Colorado wildlife officials are searching for the buck and plan on euthanizing it when they do find it. They believe this particular deer had been fed by humans and habituated to them.

There are a couple of lessons in this story. First, all wildlife can be dangerous. Treat them with the respect they deserve. Second, it isn’t good to feed most wild animals. As one NYSDEC biologist once told me, a fed bear is a dead bear. the same can be said of many other species.
Got a news item to share? Thoughts about any of the stories above? Drop them in the comments below.