Tag: Walt Mow

  • Debt


    The inexcusable tragedy that faces the American Public

    The National Debt of the United States cannot be excused away.  That it has risen to the unbelievable sum of 36+ trillion dollars is a national disgrace that can be placed squarely on the US Congress and several administrations.  

    A trillion is an unimaginable figure; to put it in some perspective, the figure of one trillion is followed by 11 zeros; two zeros for the cents or portions of a dollar, followed by three zeros  of the hundreds, three zeros for the thousands, three zeros for the millions, three zeros for the billions and finally three zeros for the trillion.  This is then multiplied by 36+ for the grand total of 36+ trillion dollars and growing!!

    John Adams, the second president of the US, feared debt. I cannot remember the exact quote, but he said that there are two ways to conquer a nation; one is by the sword, the other by debt.  Is this to be the future of our Republic? Driven to ruin by Debt???

    I find this to be a tragedy that cannot continue, but we have elected officials that simply wave a hand as if it is a trifling thought.  It is no wonder that the American public has so little faith in Congress.  It may very well be that the Congress has doomed our Republic to utter failure!!!  I for one find this attitude to be TREASONOUS to the point that some need to be tried and convicted for this lawless and reckless failure!!!

    Debt by the US government started with the Revolutionary War; it continued to be part and parcel of the government until The Jackson administration.  It was paid off during his administration in the years of 1835-1836.  That is the only time in our 248 years of existence as a nation that our national debt was paid off!!  The national debt as of January 1, 1790 totaled $75, 463, 476.52, a miniscule amount when compared with the awful burden we now face!!  To put all this into perspective, the national debt as of January 1, 1836 was $37,000 dollars and has never been zero since.

    At the beginning of the Civil War the national debt was about $65 million but ballooned to $2.7 billion by the end of the war.  World War 1 increased the debt to approximately $25.5 billion by the end of World War1.

    During the Harding administration, government spending declined from $6.3 billion in 1920 to $3.3 billion in 1922.  Public debt was $15.05 billion when Franklin D. Roosevelt assumed office of US President in 1933 but increased to $39.65 billion by 1939.  The Second World War would drive the debt to $251.43 billion at the end of the war, but had risen to $260 billion by 1950.

    Budget reforms (The Congressional budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974) allowed Congress to challenge Presidential budgets thereby allowing Congressional members more say in budgetary issues.  The intervening 50 years, in my simple estimation have not only driven the debt to astronomical highs, but was instrumental in the US credit rating to fall from a triple AAA rating to AA+, (a rating that may not truly reflect the value of the US credit rating)driving a higher interest rate the country has had to assume in order to finance the federal government’s debt.  True, not all the blame for this mess can be laid at the feet of Congress, administrations  most assuredly have had a hand in the fiasco the national debt has become.  But the lack of fiscal control has led to this profligate spending spree that has allowed the national debt to go from $260 billion in 1950 to the frightening $36+ trillion that we see today.

    It is my considered opinion that this tragedy will never be resolved without an outcry by the citizens of our Republic.  Public pressure can and does move Congress to action, but it is never going to do anything unless forced to.  We the People must act, our Republic is of far greater value than any politician, of this we can be sure!!!

    Walt 2024

  • Retribution vs Justice

    Retribution vs Justice

    The difference between retribution and justice can be argued and most likely will be.  For my money, the difference is whether or not the rule of law is followed.  The left has opted to use the law when it suits their aims and abandoned it when it conflicts with their agenda.  This creates a conflict for those who see the rule of law as the Gold Standard of official conduct.

    Although we won the initial battle, (AKA the election), to think that this war of differences is over is delusional.  The left has already begun to look to avenues to thwart President elect Trump’s agenda.  This goes against the standards of official conduct setting up what is looking to be a major conflict between the left and Trump’s supporters.

    Our system of government is set up to be governed by “We the People” under the auspices of a representative Republic, but this does not comport with the aims of the left.  They see this as a reason to try to subvert and deny the wishes of the electorate if it does not agree with their twisted agenda.

    To say that we are headed for a conflict is an understatement as this will end up being a rough and tumble contest of wills.  That unlawful acts have been perpetrated against the American public is not up for discussion, what is up for discussion is whether we citizens are willing to act as lawless as the left, or whether or not we will adhere to the rule of law and civil discourse rather than a tit for tat response.  I for one am not amenable to a tit for tat response as it leaves us as vulnerable as the left and its lawless acts.

    Rudy Giuliani said that our system of justice uses retribution as a deterrent to unlawful action.  To excuse, or otherwise allow egregious acts to go unpunished will only embolden the left to more vicious and unlawful acts.  Trey Gowdy has recommended that Trump pardon Hunter Biden when he enters office.  To this I say NO!!!  The rule of law must apply equally to ALL citizens, regardless of their affiliations or station in life.

    The list of miscreants that have abused and or subverted the rule of law is long, but if we are to see our Republic restored to its promise of equality under the law, we must be vigilant and willing to be fair but harsh.  

    Walt 2024

  • Frustrations!!!


    In my morning prayers I asked the Lord to help me write about some of the frustrations that we all feel.  To state that I am angry plus frustrated would be redundant.

    To begin with, I am frustrated with the US Supreme Court.  It is the duty of this court to ajudicate the law of the land.  Then why do we see so much election interference (AKA Voter Suppression) going un-challenged??  There are current issues with police in Pennsylvania telling voters that the polls are being closed early to allow vote counters to be able to catch up with the volume of votes.  In one instance, they were closing polls as early as 1:15 in the afternoon!!!   This is totally unacceptable!!

    My question is, where is the US Supreme Court when these kinds of issues are happening??  Is John Roberts asleep at the wheel??  If so, John, it is time for you to get your lazy ass in gear and address these voter suppresion issues!!!  And while we are on the subjuect of issues that you and the court should be addressing, let’s include illegal immigrant’s registering to vote, in what is supposed to be limited to legal residents of the country!!!

    So John, I have this to ask you.  Do you need an old time “Military  Airlift” (AKA a boot in the ass) to motivate you to do your damn job???  If so, I am sure I can find a voluteer to help you out.

    Another issue that gives many heartburn is the foot-dragging by local officials whose job it is to count the vote.  For instance, we are being told that it is often the State and Local issues that require extra time to count the vote thereby making the Federal issues wait on the count of state and local issues.   

    Like many, I do not live in Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia, so I do not feel that their problems should be shoved off on me and my fellow citizens who live in other jurisdictions.  So I ask, is it time to separate the election of Federal officials from the State and Local issues so that we are not forced to await the resolution of their problems before we know the results of Federal elections???

    The final part of my rant is the actions of congressional officials who stand in the way of issues the electorate want to have happen.  Too many times it has been Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi or any other stiff-necked committee chairman that has decided that this or that piece of legislation does not meet with their approval and it never comes to the floor for a vote.

    I know we are a democratically elected Republic, but has the time come to initiate National Referendums so these often occurring temper tantrums can no longer stall issues that the public wants to see enacted???  It may just be me speaking, but I believe it may be an issue whose time has come.  

    Term Limits can have the same effect, but we have seen little to no real movement to that issue either.  Just how long must we be chained to the ineffectual and  divisive actions of a few individuals who feel that they are entitled to rule over us??  

    If the duly elected do not want to see some of these things come to fruition, they might want to get their lazy asses in gear and begin to DO THE JOB they were elected to do!!!  They are not supposed to be our rulers, but our employees who are supposed to answer to “WE THE  PEOPLE”!!!

    I’m sure there are other frustrations the American People have, but this is just a few to get us to thinking.

    Walt 2024

  • Judgement v/s Opinion

    Judgement v/s Opinion

    On August 12, 2024, current governor of Minnesota, Timothy James Walz signed a bill that called for the placement of sanitary napkins in boys public school bathrooms for grades 4 through 12.  Although I do not live in Minnesota, it goes against my upbringing for government officials to mandate what I believe should the proper domain of parents.  But to be fair, I ask this simple question, was this done by the governor as a result of his own moral judgement, or due to political pressure.  By either standard, I feel it reeks of moral decay and brings to mind whether this was a personal opinion or a forced moral judgement by members of the state government.

    To more clearly understand the question of Judgement or Opinion, I referred to a book titled “Useful Quotations, a cyclopedia of Quotations” copyright 1933 by Orsamus Turner Harris.

    I first looked at two quotes about Judgement:

    It is a maxim received in life that, in general, we can determine more wisely for others than for ourselves. – The reason of it is so clear in argument that it hardly wants the confirmation of experience. 

    “Junius” The pseudonym of an unknown political writer in England (1769 -1772)

    Human nature is so constituted, that all see and judge better in the affairs of other men than in our own,

    “Terence” Roman poet (190 – 150 B. C.) 

    I followed this with a look at two quotes about Opinion:

    Our opinions on all subjects are more largely formed by our sympathies than by skillfully sifted evidence. 

    “Tyron Edwards” American theologian and editor (1809 – 1892).

    Public opinion cannot do for virtue what it does for vice.  It is the essence of virtue to look above opinion.  Vice is consistent with, and very often strengthened by, entire subserviency to it. 

    “Benjamin Franklin” American statesman, inventor and editor (1706 – 1790)

    Human nature being what it is, our opinion often render judgement, therefore, is judgement a function of opinion, or is opinion the driver of judgement?

    A thorny question fraught with danger as we are admonished to not judge, for that is the domain of the Lord.

    Walt 2024

  • Congressional duties versus Reality and the denial of said duties…

    Congressional duties versus Reality and the denial of said duties…

    Author’s Note:  The following is fictional parody and as such refers to no real person living or dead.  If by chance, as you read this and it seems to comport with your identification of a real person; I make it clear, it is not my intention to defame or elevate any person, living or dead.

    Four fictional characters will be the focus of this look at a fictional Congress. First is Senator “Old Fossil”, second is Senator “Schnob”, followed by House representatives, Congressman “Yells a Lot” and Congressman “Too busy to Answer”.  

    These fictional persons reflect all too clearly many of our elected officials in that they feel that it is beneath their dignified status to engage with their “less than they” constituents, and it is the duty of their staff members to answer the people THEY were elected to serve.

    As a three thousand page (Pork Filled) bill that covers numerous issues comes out of committee, Senator Old Fossil leaves to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony in tiny Abluristan where the Chinese mining interest “Who Flung Dung” is about to start mining lithium for export to the US.  Senator Schnob runs to attend a fundraising event featuring a trio of top-less contestants in a pan cake turning competition.  

    Neither man is available when this so-called important bill is to be voted on and request that their vote be allowed to count by internet despite Constitutional Law (Article 1, Section 5, Clause 1).  As neither man has read the bill, they have assigned their staff members to read the bill and prepare a bullet point synopsis for them to give them cover and plausible answers in order that the bill passes out of the Senate.

    As Congressman Yells a Lot and Congressman Too Busy to Answer find this enormous legislative piece hits their desk, they too find that it is imperative they find irrelevant issues they must attend to.  Yells a Lot is bound for the US – Mexican border to put his stamp of approval on President Do Nuthin’s Operation Freedom Initiative to expand amnesty for more illegal immigrants; while Too Busy to Answer is bound for NATO headquarters to demand more money for a continuing civil war in the NATO member nation of Destitution.  

    Both of these Congressmen assign their respective staffs to follow the steps of their Senatorial colleges; to prepare edited versions of the legislation with bullet points to high-light talking points that reflects their approval or disapproval of the legislation. 

    They also expect to be able to record their votes by internet despite the Constitutional requirement of in person voting as per Article 1, Section 5, Clause 1 requiring a Quorum in order to conduct business.

    What these..  Ahem!!!  Mental giants have overlooked is that the public did not vote for staff members but the Senators and Congressmen to read all bills in their entirety, then do the People’s business without the personal biases their staff members may impart.

    Walt Mow 2024

  • Questions of Fraud and the Denial of Constitutional Amendments and Their Protections 

    Questions of Fraud and the Denial of Constitutional Amendments and Their Protections 

    Author’s note:  I am not an attorney, simply a lay person who is concerned about the turn of events in my country.  As such, I have read the Constitution of the United States and the Amendments thereto.  I am going to use three publications to explain why I feel as I do about the Trial of Donald J. Trump and his fight against a corrupt judge and an overly ambitious Attorney General.                                                                

    The Constitution of the United States was adopted July 2, 1788 and became effective March 4, 1789.

    The first publication I refer to will be Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, copyright 1945.

    The second publication I will refer to will be “Your Rugged Constitution”, written by Bruce Allyn Findlay and Esther Blair Findlay copyright 1950 and copyright 1952 by the trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.                                                                                                                                                                           

    The third publication I will refer to will be “The Constitution of the United States, its sources and its applications”, written by Thomas James Norton copyright 1922. 1940 by the World Publishing Company and copyright 1943 by Committee for Constitutional Government Inc.

    First publication:  I will explore a definition of “Fraud” as defined by Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary.  #4: Law, “An intentional perversion of truth to induce another to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right”.                                                                                                           

    My question is, how can there be even the perception of impartiality by Judge Engoron when he stated before the trial had even begun that Mr. Trump was guilty of fraud before any testimony had even been heard?

    In the second and third publications: I will explore the “8th Amendment to the Constitution” adopted in 1791 which Reads: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted”.                                                                                                                     

    The fines levied against Donald Trump by the court far exceed the definition of “excessive” and as such should be prohibited from being enforced.

    I shall further explore the “14th Amendment to the Constitution”, Section 1 which reads: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside”                      


    Section 1 of the 14th Amendment further reads: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, of property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

    Again, my question is how can there even be the perception of fairness when Mr. Trump has been denied the right to present evidence that denigrates the statements of Judge Engoron?  Evidence that would flat-out deny the judge’s statement and that of Attorney General Letia James that he excessively inflated the stated worth of his properties when even the bankers who made the loans said that there was no evidence of fraud; either in the paperwork that accompanied the loan applications and on closing that all monies borrowed had been dutifully paid in full and within the time frame for repayment.

    Again I state, I am not an attorney, but am aware that in my mind Mr. Trump has been denied the protections of the Constitutional Amendments by a judge who’s partiality and downright denial of said protections seems to be unlawful and beyond the pale of legal and just application of the laws as set forth in the Constitution and the attending Amendments.

    Walt Mow 2024

  • Ice flows or Avalanche?? 

    Ice flows or Avalanche?? 

    The Gorge at its worst…

    Authors note:  Ice storms in the Columbia River Gorge are a near annual event, often closing Interstate 84 to vehicle traffic and occasionally shutting down rail traffic as well.

    In December of 1998 the Boss Lady and I decided to spend Christmas on the Oregon coast.  We left eastern Washington on the 23rd, arriving late that afternoon in the little town of Seaside, Oregon.  We spent 4 days watching the waves and walking the beach, knowing that a large storm was forecast to hit the coast on the 28th.  Storm watching is a favorite pastime for many in the Pacific Northwest.

    The Promenade, Seaside Oregon

    The morning of the 28th, we turned on the TV to catch a weather forecast; they were reporting a major ice storm in the Portland metropolitan area. The forecaster said that warm air aloft allowed it to rain, but at the ground level, temperatures were below freezing creating a very hazardous situation.  Not wanting to be trapped in the Portland area, we decided to leave as soon as we could gather all our stuff and start the drive home.

    Winter Storm at Rockaway Beach Oregon, just north of Tillamook Bay

    As we drove past Tillamook Bay we saw that the storm surge was already causing lowland flooding.  The highway back to Portland, (state route 6) crosses the Coast Range by way of Wilson Summit.  On the west side of the summit, all was rain, but as soon as we crossed the summit, it all turned to ice.  The ice covered roadway was slick as the rain continued to fall and freeze on the roadway.

    We were able to drive about 35 MPH until we reached US Route 26 where the Oregon Department of Highways was sanding route 26.  We were able to drive at about 50 MPH, but as soon as we reached the outskirts of the metro area there was no sanding of highways as the maintenance of the urban streets fell to the surrounding urban communities.

    Seaside to Troutdale

    Highway 26 is called the Sunset Highway in the Portland metro area.  As we approached the Portland Zoo, the large trees that are part of the park, due to the freezing rain, large limbs were breaking off and falling on the roadway.  Auto traffic was at a crawl, dodging fallen limbs and stalled autos contributed to the overall confusion, plus the limbs sounded like breaking glass due to the heavy coating of ice.  We slowly navigated our way down to Interstate 5, crossing the Willamette River on the high bridge that thankfully was sanded.  We made the interchange to East bound Interstate 84 and slowly made our way to the town of Troutdale located east of Portland, a distance of about 15 miles.

    When we arrived in Troutdale, we found the eastbound Interstate 84 was closed.  It was afternoon and the Oregon State Police stated they were planning to open the eastbound route the following morning.  Accordingly, we took a motel room, purchased a set of chains, had some dinner and went back to the motel to await the opening of Interstate 84 eastbound.

    The following morning, I installed the chains and lined up behind a semi to wait for the opening.  As soon as the roadway opened, (about ten after eight AM) we pulled on the roadway and started east.  As we were listening to a radio station, the State Police reported that due to severe icing in the gorge, they were going to reclose the highway.  We were about 5 miles down the road and had no way of turning around and the semi in front of us continued so we decided to just follow him.  

    Troutdale to The Dalles

    As we approached Bonneville Dam where the hills come down to the Columbia River we began to see small ice flows (about 3-4 inches deep) onto the roadway, but the semi we were following was leaving ruts in the flows allowing us to continue.  The flows grew heavier and just past the little town of Cascade Locks where the Pacific Crest Trail crosses the interstate, we began to encounter flows that were deepening to six to eight inches deep.  It was then that a large flow came off the steep hills and began to increase in depth to over a foot deep.  Had it not been for the semi in front of us, we would have been stalled.

    A particularly large flow began to push the car sideways and force us towards the center divider.  To this very day I do not know how I managed to keep the car moving, but I stayed in the ruts cut by the semi to the best of my ability and thankfully the Lord allowed us to proceed.  The heavy flow, that I can only characterize as an ice avalanche, continued for a distance of about a half mile or more.  Praying and driving like a mad man, we kept going, finally exiting the bad part with more of the small flows for another couple of miles.  The flows began to stop entering the road as soon as we passed the hills that crowd down to the Columbia River.

    I-84 in the Columbia River Gorge

    After that, the rest of the trip home was anticlimactic, but it took us the better part of 5 hours to drive the 75 miles from Troutdale, Oregon to The Dalles, Oregon; a drive that is usually just a bit over an hour.  Just past The Dalles, we were able to remove the chains and continue home, arriving just as it was getting dark, (about 4:30) PM.

    Walt 2024

  • Election Season, a Mental Roller Coaster that may Drive Us to Ruination…

    Election Season, a Mental Roller Coaster that may Drive Us to Ruination…

    We continue to hear that MAGA is trying to destroy democracy.  Not being a true democracy this is nothing more than rhetoric.  The fact that we are a Republic seems to totally escape the left, but delusionary thinking rules within the confines of the left’s mind.

    The following definitions are from “Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary”, copyright 1949. The quotes are from “Useful Quotations; a Cyclopedia of Quotations” copyright 1933.


    1. Government by the people; government in which the supreme power is retained by the people and exercised either directly (absolute or pure democracy), or indirectly (representative democracy) through a system of representation.

    If there were a people consisting of gods, they would be governed democratically; so perfect a government is not suitable to men.  Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778)     


    The devil was the first democrat.  George Gordon Noel Byron (1788 – 1824)  


    A state in which the sovereign power resides in a certain body of the people (the electorate), and is exercised by representatives selected by, and responsible to, the electorate.

    Republicanism is not the phantom of a deluded imagination. – On the contrary, under no form of government are laws better supported, liberty and property better secured, or happiness more effectually dispensed to mankind. George Washington (1732 – 1799)       

    Republics come to an end by luxurious habits; monarchies by poverty. Charles de Secondat Montesquieu (1680 – 1755)  

    Author’s Note – This nation is a Republic governed by an elected body; therefore a Representative Democracy.  The demise of our Republic will only happen when our elected officials are no longer responsible to, and or responsive to the electorate.  If we are to retain our Republic, it is incumbent on every citizen to elect officials who respond to and listen to “We the People”; not to a bunch of oligarchs and charlatans who feel they are there to rule over us; and certainly not to the unelected bureaucrats that dominate the federal agencies and write rules and regulations and then declare said rules and regulations are the “Law of the Land”!!! Nothing could be further from the truth!!!

    Our elections have become more akin to Beauty Contests rather than the responsible actions of an electorate that is both educated in the issues of the day and willing to put aside personal feelings and elect officials who have the best interests of the country at heart.  

    Sadly, I do not feel that is what is currently happening.  Too many are looking for a handout from the government with little regard for the consequences of such actions or have no idea what the person they have voted for believes and or stands for!!  Unfortunately, responsible citizenship is no longer in vogue and may indeed drive our Republic to ruin.

  • One Helluva fight or total capitulation!!!

    One Helluva fight or total capitulation!!!

    The choice we are facing is just this brutal!!  We either fight like hell, or we acquiesce which will bring down our Republic!!  If you think I am wrong, I don’t think you have been paying attention!!  The road map in front of us tells the story, for the American citizen to win against the globalists we must fight with all the intensity that drove young Americans to charge the beaches of Normandy!!  No matter how you cut it, it’s either fight or resign ourselves to defeat!!

    Our freedoms are the envy of the world; yet we have elected officials who are HELL-BENT on driving the American people to the point of irrelevance!  Is this what you want to see happen? Or are you ready for the political fight of our lives!  I for one am more than ready to fight the globalists with all the strength this old man’s body can muster!! Do I stand alone?  I certainly hope not as the choices are dark and dim for those we leave behind.  I have no wish to see my progeny living as serfs in what was once the greatest nation on earth.

    This fight must start with the defeat of any more Continuing Resolutions and Senator Langford’s immigration bill.  First is the CR, it must be that the government be SHUT DOWN or our southern border CLOSED!!!  As for the Senator from Oklahoma’s immigration bill; allowing 5,000 illegals a day entry into the country will bring a total of One Million, Eight Hundred Twenty Five Thousand illegals in just ONE YEAR!!  This is nothing short of INSANITY!!!

    Trump’s Iowa win last night may give us some comfort, but the Globalist Left will not give up.  They feel they must win in order for their agenda to come to fruition!!  They will throw everything they can think of at us.  More Plandemics, Climate Change, Illegal Immigration and any other devious and destructive action they can dream up in their twisted minds.

    To my dying breath I will fight for the continuance of our Republic!  I will use every legal effort available to me to this end.  My concern is that it may not be enough and it surely will not be enough unless ALL we Deplorables decide to FIGHT and STAND in the breach!!

  • Climate Change V: Pumpkins; Data Changes; Emission Controls

    Climate Change V: Pumpkins; Data Changes; Emission Controls

    Just when you think there can’t possibly be more governmental insanity, the Department of Energy posts warnings of methane pollution due to “Pumpkins”.  

    While there may be a scientific basis for some concern about anthropogenic methane production; what with all the organic materials that are interred in our landfills; that pumpkins should be maligned as a major contributor of methane is another one of those theories that cannot be truly quantified. While we can laugh at this “Significant” news flash from the fall of 2015, in retrospect it gives us an insight into a governmental agency’s grasping efforts at control.

    Then there is this Dust-up between Lamar Smith, R-Texas, Chairman of the Committee of Science, Space and Technology and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).

    Lamar Alexander

    Changes made to data by the agency with no explanation show an increase in surface temperatures that does not comport with previously published temperature data.  Foot dragging by the agency only intensifies the suspicion that the data change was done to help the administration’s Climate Change Agenda.  This has forced the committee to issue a subpoena on Oct. 13 2015 to force compliance with committee requests for documents that explain agency actions. This shows a deliberate denial of the right of congressional oversight forcing a subpoena to be issued.  House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith finally subpoenaed a June study and intra agency employee e-mails about the study in October, the committee began receiving documents and emails from NOAA officials on December 16, 2015

    The EPA’s “Clean Power Plan” mandates a 32% reduction in emissions by existing power plants by 2030.

    This will kill coal fired power generation as the rules are so stringent that existing technology can’t build a new generating station that can meet the emission standards, much less an existing plant.  24 states have filed a motion to hold the EPA’s new rules in abeyance until such time as a court can rule on the validity of the rules.  26 state attorney general associations and numerous business groups have also filed a brief seeking delay until the legal issues are settled. Reversal of this egregious act by the Trump administration brought some sanity into the regulation of power plants and was a welcome relief to electrical ratepayers.  Sadly, the return of these rules by the Biden administration leads us back into the prospect of devastating electrical rates and possible brown/blackouts as electrical generation is turning to renewables, principally wind and solar that cannot reliably fulfill electrical demands.

    This is government overreach on a scale not seen before.  When you combine all the rules the Obama administration has promulgated and enacted without due process, the result is breath-taking in its scope.                                                                                                                                                       

    Note:  The current cabal orchestrated by AOC is pushing the same kind of fertilizer that was being conveyed during the Obama administration.                                                                                                                                                              

    A mismanaged congress has to bear some of the blame just as the policy wonks that continually shovel more of this Climate Change manure.  The fact that agencies can delay and act with disdain and belligerence to congressional requests for documents is outside the pale of law.  A complicit DOJ makes the task of correction even harder.

    Under the Trump administration, rule making has taken a sharp turn; for every new regulation the agency must retire two old regulations.  Couple that with a congress that has shown a desire to rein in these small fiefdoms the agencies have become, progress is achievable.                                                                                                                                                        

    Note: The Biden administration (aka Obama II) has gutted the majority of the moves made by the Trump administration and is strongly supporting the “New Green Deal” which will gut the American economy.

    Walt Mow

    You can find the previous installments of this series here, here, here and here.