We’ll talk about it over a coffee

People may think I’m out there, well theye’d be right, just not as they think.

When one see’s more trees and water, one tends to think different, not wrong just different, what I like best out here besides the elbow room, there’s no people. When push comes to shove, they’ll have to drone my ass outta here. I get this call from a guy I may have met some years ago, he was a Nam Vet/ Rep. Said him and his daughter was in Montana not long ago, got an Elk, wants two vests made with sheep lining. Said it would be a while, like 17 months before the tannery can get to it.

Chew on this:

15-20 square feet

A well-tanned elk hide should be tanned with a professional tannery. These tanneries will generally charge by the square foot, and an elk hide will cost around $10.00 to $20.00 per square foot. This price is standard amongst most tanneries. Then he says I’m hoping for two vests. With that much hide, I should’nt have a problem. ” We both are rather large “. He mentioned thier sizes. Talked of his daily routine of the jym and portion control. Asked him, What happened man? ” don’t know, just fell in love with food” Sounds like you’re working the problem proper, don’t quit don’t ever quit I told him, get outside, stay outside. (damn, I sound like ma LOL). He’ll stop by on the weekend talk stuff.

Making things from cows and other assorted woodland critters I find relaxing, been told I’m a bit high-strung, Wrong!, I’m wired right tight. The VA doc just looked at me said nothing…

Anyways couple of months ago I made harness for a dog. with pretty do-dads, looks pretty good on the Airdale snickerdoodle freaky looking dog. I know her dad, his response is always the same, when you see him, call him Einstein for he looks just like Einstien, his standard reply is fuck you and keep walking to his office, daughter works the front counter with the dog. So I get phone call, check your email I sent you a picture I want you make for me. Sipping coffee I was while thinking, well doing the measurements they will take a little time. 🙂

Eh! don’t blame me, she a paying customer

I’ll get another picture of the dog with the harness, so you know I’m not bullshitting ya. I probably shouldn’t share such things, sips coffee, yeah well there’s a lotta things we shouldn’t do amIright